Still true? |
Hey there folks, how was the weekend? I hope it was good, mine included getting snowed into a town in Wyoming that I wasn't prepared for, researching my capstone project mercilessly, and playing a game against my friend's
fun new Necrons. It wasn't super eventful, lol.
Anyways, since everyone else wants to talk about Necrons, I guess that's what I want to talk about as well. Because
that's good logic. Also, I'm fastidiously putting off finishing off the Open batreps :-p
So, Necrons. What's to like about them? They have a few fun things, and a few things that are sort of meh. I'm enjoying the lack of any conceivable deathstar the army may have, and how enormous Ghost Arks are. Seriously, wait til you see an actual model. It's Land Raider size almost, haha.
Actually, like lots of folks, my favorite unit is the Scarab. Not really for the same reason lots of people like them, however. Sure, they kill tanks, are beasts, lots of wounds, blah blah blah, all of which is awesome. However, what I really like is the greater implications of Scarabs. People are going to have to
stop playing razorspam as we know it. One good charge from scarabs will leave a previously solid razorspam list really sad, and auto-losing the game.
Which means of course, that