Thursday, January 19, 2017

2017 Tournament Results

Image result for tournament resultsThis post will be more for my own records than anything. One of the perks to writing a battle report blog is that I get a tangible reminder of events in the past. I tend to be very nostalgic, and being able to relive old games and events is a really fun thing for me. I want to have this post for my own sake later in life, where I can see all the tournaments I played in one year and see how things went.

I don't expect that anyone else really cares about my past games/tournament record. It's not for self-aggrandizement. Whereas I certainly have an ego (as does everyone, to some degree), I don't really care to beat other people over the head with my accomplishments. I have other ways to stroke my ego if I want to do that. Still, if this sort of thing isn't something you're interested in reading, don't do it. Simple as that. :)

January 2017

January 14, 2017: Baldur1/Krueger2 75 point Steamroller at Gryphon Games and Comics

My first tournament of the year, I had Tanith and Una2 and Grayle all being painted, and was forced to take Krueger2. 18 total players.

Results: 4-0, 1st place, $75 store credit (I didn't have to pay for entry because I'd won the Dessert of Daggers tournament last year, which paid for all of my entry fees at this venue for the year).

January 28, 2017: Baldur1 75 point Team Tournament STORE WARS at Total Escape Games

We'd been building for this tournament for a couple months. Daniel, Andy, Chad, Rob, and myself all represented "Adventurer's Quarter", a now-defunct game shop. 10 total teams. I was fully painted for the first time at a tournament in MK3.

Results: 3-0 for myself, 2nd place for the team (we lost in the finals). Zero prize support. I got max raffle tickets, but didn't win anything that way either. I played two tough Menoth players, then played vs. Josh Nordstrom in the final. I was the only player on my team to win my game, and that just barely.

Note: I will likely count this tournament for my overall tournament record for the year, but will not count this as a 2nd place (or any place, for that matter) in my overall results/placement count, due to team tournaments being different than singles tournaments (seems obvious).

Next up: March MadNyss in Fort Collins (no planned tournaments for February, unfortunately).