I don't expect that anyone else really cares about my past games/tournament record. It's not for self-aggrandizement. Whereas I certainly have an ego (as does everyone, to some degree), I don't really care to beat other people over the head with my accomplishments. I have other ways to stroke my ego if I want to do that. Still, if this sort of thing isn't something you're interested in reading, don't do it. Simple as that. :)
June 2016
Getting back into the mix
I hadn't played any miniature game in the year of 2015. None at all. But, after life settled down some, I was finally ready to get back into Warmachine.
Whereas this post is almost exclusively for tournaments, this is a link for my first battle reports (in MK3) post here, since it kind of gives a recap of my absence, and initial impressions of MKIII.
July 2016
July 2, 2016: Baldur1/Krueger2 75 point Steamroller at Atomic.
My first tournament for over a year and a half. 22 players showed up!
Results: 3-1, 3rd place. $40 store credit.
July 16, 2016: Baldur1/Wurmwood 75 points ROCKY MOUNTAIN RUMBLE Day 1
After less than a month of practice, I got to go to a major event only about 20 minutes from my house. It was a Warmachine Weekend qualifier, and Day 1 was the qualifier for Day 2.
Results: 3-0, top 8 qualifier
July 17, 2016: Baldur1/Wurmwood 75 points ROCKY MOUNTAIN RUMBLE Day 2
I was pretty excited to be playing in the top 8 of a major tournament. In the end, I got to play against Jay Larson from Chain Attack in the finals.
Results: 2-1, 2nd place. $100 pre-paid credit card, silver medal, other door prizes.
August 2016
August 6, 2016: Baldur1/Wurmwood 75 points Steamroller at Atomic.
Another local tournament with around 10 people playing.
Results: 3-0, 1st place, $60 or so in store credit.
August 13, 2016: Baldur1 75 points, single caster tournament at Gryphon Games & Comics
This one was pretty fun. It's fun to only play a single caster tournament for lots of reasons. For me, it's also very reminiscent of my time as a 40k player. Baldur1 has been my favorite caster since MKIII started. The opportunity to play him all tournament was awesome! I think this was at 16 or 18 players.
Results: 4-0, 1st place, some store credit that was mostly useless because of how little WM/H stock they carry. I bought a board game, and kept $15 of it for my next tournament there.
September 2016
September 3, 2016: Baldur1 and Krueger2 75 points, at Funtastic Games
8 players or so at this little event. I had a lot of momentum going into this one, taking 2nd at RMR then winning my next two. Could I get three in a row?
Results: 2-1, 3rd place, a bronze pin, and a $10 gift card I kept for my next tournament there. Tough group of people there for sure.
September 10, 2016: Baldur1 and Baldur2 75 points, Tacticon!
Tacticon was in Colorado Springs this year, as opposed to Denver in other years. First time playing Warmachine at Tacticon. We managed to get 16 players there.
Results: 4-0, 1st place, my choice of a boxed set (they had a Warpwolf set I wanted for a new Feral), a signed (by all the game devs) poster, and a cool GOLD medal. The medal was from the same line as the SILVER one I won at RMR earlier in the year.
October 2016
October 1, 2016: Baldur1 and Tanith 75 points, Steamroller at Atomic.
I didn't write a battle report for this one, and don't really plan to. I might get a post up with a snapshot of what all happened. I did take pictures of all my games, naturally :)
Results: 2-1, 4th place, no prize support. I made it to the final table, lost, and due to some rough game results, I didn't have enough tie breakers to win anything, despite being at the top table. Baldur won both my initial games for me, and I played TERRIBLE with Tanith into Cryx. Embarrassing (yet deserved) result.
October 15, 2016: Krueger2 and Grayle 75 points, Steamroller at Enchanted Grounds.
I also took pictures of this event, but haven't gotten around to writing a report on it. Took pictures and everything. How did I get into playing Krueger2 and Grayle you ask? I'll tell you:
Essentially, it was because I didn't have the models I would normally want to bring. I had given my Woldwrath, Sentry Stones, and Druid Wilder to a painter, and I was stuck making lists that didn't have any of that. Baldur1 loses his savor without the Wrath, and Tanith really relies on those Sentry Stones. So, I took Grayle, who needs NONE of it, and Krueger2 who is pretty self-sufficient as well.
Results: 2-1, 3rd place, $30 store credit. I lost in round 2 to a Cygnar player who essentially just outplayed me. I had a pretty good assassination attempt regardless, but my dice REALLY failed me on damage rolls, and he barely survived. Ah well. Turned around to beat another Cygnar player with two colossals. Grayle pummeled a hapless Cryx player.
November 2016
November 12, 2016: Baldur1 and Tanith 75 points, "Dessert of Daggers" at Gryphon Games & Comics.
Ah, this was a good one. MOST of the best players in the region can down for this one. I had to play against 4 really skilled opponents, and got lucky a few times. Baldur AND Tanith got equal love from me (2 games each). I'm starting to like Tanith more and more. Should be interesting to see what her new character beast can do with her. One thing about this tournament: ADR is fun but MAN is it hard to make a decision in what to change in and out.
Results: 4-0, 1st place, $90 store credit, my choice of Muse on Minis tokens (I already owned a set of Circle, so I'm selling this set), and free entry to any Gryphon tournaments in 2017. Not bad. Might just order some Wolf Riders to play with 2na :)
December 2016
December 10, 2016: Baldur1 and Tanith 75 points, Steamroller at Karliquin's Game Knight
Good event. I just typed about it, but the internet lost it. I'm going to be brief. Last chance to play Baldur1/Tanith in ADR. I lost game 2 but got to be the pair-down and won that game, ending the tournament before it could get to 4 rounds.
Results: 2-1, 2nd place, $35 store credit. Not terrible. :)
Year-end Results:
Tournaments Played: 10
Tournament Record: 31-6
First Place: 4
Second Place: 2
Third Place: 3
Didn't Place: 1
Not a bad year, all things considered. Perhaps not my 40k win rate, but I had been out of the game for 1.5 years before this. One of these tournaments was the Rocky Mountain Rumble, and 2nd place doesn't quite feel the same for that as for other local events.
Hopefully I can continue to build momentum next year!
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