Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Dark Eldar- More List Tampering

Hey folks, hows it going?  Good for me, the Nuggets are finally doing well after being liberated from Melo, and they've won 8 of 10 games.  How does that equate to my gaming life?  It means that I spend more time watching a newly reinvented NBA team than I actually do blogging.  Other than that, it doesn't mean a whole lot, really.

So, I've been playing around with my Dark Eldar list ideas.  I want to be able to play Dark Eldar at all the big upcoming events (i.e. BoLSCON and Nova), and I want a tweaked list for both of those.  The list I originally had was condemned (rightfully) as soulless/uncreative.  The
second list I had improved quite a bit in the soulless category, and sort of established some sort of personality for the army.  The new list I have is more tweaked.

Here it is, this time at 2000:

Baron Sathonyx


20x Hellions w/ Helliarch w/ Venom Blade
5x Warriors w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannons
5x Warriors w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannons
5x Warriors w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannons
5x Warriors w/ Blaster, Venom w/ 2x Splinter Cannons
3x Wracks w/ Raider w/ Flicker Field

9x Reavers w/ 3x Heat Lances, Arena Champ, Venom Blade
9x Reavers w/ 3x Heat Lances, Arena Champ, Venom Blade

Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances

Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances
Ravager w/ 3x Dark Lances

Plus a few extra points

This list has 6 long(ish) range melta weapons, as well as more and more splinter weaponry.  Lots of Dark Lances everywhere, to glance/slowly destroy AV12, and maximum scoring units.

The strength of the list lies in the Reavers being used tactically to do the following:
  • Give skimmers a cover save
  • 'Bubble wrap' the Hellions
  • Provide splinter fire when needed
  • Kill Vehicles
  • Charge in with 28 I6 attacks
  • Hope not to roll a '1' for combat drugs
They're somewhat expensive, and rely on getting a Pain Token from the Haemonculi, which means that the Wracks can give the Baron a Token for the Hellions.  When I need to, I can also give the Hellions another one, and let one of the reaver squads 'rough it'.

Overall, I think this list has the flexibility to let me win games in tournaments, even against Guard.

A tweak I've been thinking of a lot lately, is to drop a few wracks, reduce one of the Reavers squads to 6, and add:  a beast squad.  It would have:

3x Beastmasters (1 w/ Venom Blade)
4x Razorwings
5x the 4+ ward save guys

I think this is a fairly standard build for them, but it gives me lots of wounds, with lots of rending attacks that can kill AV10 somewhat easily.  Great for countercharges, and the unit costs 161 points.  Seriously pretty good for their points.

Anyways, I gotta get outta here, but what do you think?  Do you like the list?  What could it use?  What about the addition of the Beastmaster squad?  It would add to the personality of the army, but would it be effective?  Let me know :)