Chi-town for possibly the biggest gaming event in the world, and likely to be tied for the biggest singles tournament in the country. I won't deny that I'd like to win this tournament very, very much.
I also won't deny that I'm extremely unlikely to win the whole thing, even if the dice behave. I've had lots of tournament success, but to win 8 games in a row is incredibly difficult- especially when (to win the whole thing) every game is against someone who is also undefeated. Add into that equation the fact that a ton of the people who take this hobby extremely seriously are all traveling down to display their awesomesauce are going to be there in force, and whoever wins this tournament is going to have a lot of notches on his/her belt. I'm excited :)
I might also be playing in the Fantasy Championship, since our poor Ork army for the team tournament kind of fell through in a big (enormous) way. The Fantasy is at 2200 points I think, and I'm still on the waitlist (I started at #7, like a month ago). So, we'll see how that goes. Expect a win, a draw, and 2 losses, one of those being by massacre, lol. Still, I'll have battle reports with pictures, along with commentary on what I personally think I did wrong. If I get in. Otherwise, I'll get lots of pictures of random awesomeness on Saturday, while I get drunk, lol.
I'm leaving on Wednesday (well, early early Thursday), but should have a few posts ready to auto-post throughout the week, and maybe even the weekend. Some things to look forward to:
- An article I've been working on for a while- the value of transports in an assaulting army, and what their role should be.
- Email! I have a few of them piled up, and I need to give some responses. Thanks for your patience.
- WIP on my Deldar. I'm getting some work done, somehow. Seriously, listen to Wheel of Time on 'audible' (a website you can download audible books for cheap). You'll want to paint all the time!
- Guess that's about it. If my room has internets in Chicago, I'll let you know how the first day or two went. If not, you can just wait for me to post on the Tuesday after (since I'll be driving all day Monday).
- Excitement on how the Nuggets keep doing awesome, and how they're going to make the rest of the NBA their bitch come playoffs (not very likely that I'll talk about it here, actually :( )