So, tomorrow I'll finally dive into the Tournament scene for 2011, kicking it off with a Team Tournament at Valhallas Games in Denver, CO. Should be fun :)
Hey, I'm Xaereth, welcome to Delusions of Grandeur! This is a blog dedicated (mostly) to competitive play in miniature gaming. I used to play 40k competitively, but have since started to play Warmachine exclusively. Mostly just battle reports these days. We'll see if I ever make time for more. Heh.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Weekly Battle Report #10: Salamanders vs. Khan Double Raider List
Hey there folks, time for the next installment in my Weekly Battle Reports! Today pits my Salamanders against Vince's Double Raider Khan outflank list of doom! Vince got best general at the last Tacticon (a 40-person event) and has placed well in other various events. Read on to see how my Green Tide does (see what I did there?)
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Discussion: Winning list at the Seattle GT
I followed a random link the other day to a blog I'd never been to, and discovered the Purgatus has his own blog now (I don't read YTTH much anymore, but I'm assuming Stelek got sick of him posting 3 times a day :-p). I read a little bit, and found a few mentions of his GT experience at Seattle, which was a little interesting. Anyways, all talk about Purgatus aside, I wanted to present the winning Seattle list, and give a few thoughts on it, though mostly open up the floor and let others chime in about it.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Fantasy Dark Elves: High Toughness list?
Hey, what's up folks! How's it hangin? lol... I've been painting a lot of Dark Elves lately for Genghis Con coming up on Feb. 17 or so. For those who don't know, Genghis is going to have a 40k GT with 5 games this year (first time ever, instead of just 3) and then on Sunday there will be the Fantasy Tournament. I don't play a lot of Fantasy (as in, 5 games total this entire edition) but I'm hoping to have a competitive list that can take care of my blunders.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Email in: Blood Angels no mech help
Got another email in the other day... I've been thinking about the list for a little bit, figured I'd share here now. First, here's the email:
Hi there!
Hi there!
I'm just getting back in the hobby after a long absence and have just discovered your blog (very helpful!). I'm looking at starting up BA and was hoping I'd be able to pick your brains a little. I've played around a little
Thursday, January 20, 2011
FAQ Internets List Fail
Well, let's start off with me saying that I don't think (at all) that it was a fail by GW to have released the new FAQs to help 'modernize' the older books. I think it's great, and I really hope that sales will reflect this choice so that GW will continue doing it. I am however, saying that I think the internets' response to this FAQ was a little... over exaggerated.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Weekly Battle Report #9: Salamanders vs. Triple-Raider Blood Angels
Hey there good folks! How's the day? Figured since the semester is starting up finally, I'd kick the 'weekly' battle reports off again. Today brings my (rather mediocre thus far) Salamanders against my pal Eric, who ran Tau against me in a couple previous battle reports (click on the battle reports log link in the upper right of the blog to find them) and with split results against each other. This time he was playing around with Blood Angels, testing out an AV 13/14 wall. Click on to see the action!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Getting away from the Wolfstar: An update
So, the latest list I built this week. This time however, it's a little different from the way I was planning to take it. Not a ton different, but certainly worth posting up. I need a little help filling in the gaps though. So, feel free to chime in. The core is generally good, though, I think.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Random Khan List
Hey folks! Today I wanted to share a random Kor'sarro Khan list I've been thinking of lately. Not sure how well it would work- feel free to tell me about it! Here's the list:
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Email in: 2000 point Blood Angel List
Alright, got another email recently (sorry it took so long )-: ) asking for list advice. First, here's the email:
Hi, I've been reading your articles on Blood Angels lately and I have been inspired to make an all jump pack list at 2000 points.
Hi, I've been reading your articles on Blood Angels lately and I have been inspired to make an all jump pack list at 2000 points.
Friday, January 14, 2011
How to Steamroll

An Article by Beast_a_la_Mode
With the SR2011 rules and scenarios out, one steamroller event next week, and the clash for Colorado next month I figured now would be a good time to explain how I am going about making my lists for Steamroller events. For those that don't know, steamroller events require you to bring two lists with two different warcasters- everything else can be identical except the casters, you must use each list at least once. The Clash is using a modified format where you must bring 4 lists, but I will cover more on that when it gets closer.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Suicide Squads
Hey there folks! Today I wanted to talk a little bit about the often-maligned Suicide Squad, and what it can do for you. It's certainly not always the *best* option to take, but I think that oftentimes it can be useful. If you keep in mind that it's somewhat of a gimmick that won't work every time, that's half the battle. You either want to make sure that you can use the squad in ways other than the 'gimmick' of suiciding, or make sure you can always use the gimmick itself. Since the latter isn't possible, we'll have to stick with the former.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
God Machines!

God Machines!
An Article by C.J. Young
Hello Everyone,
Today I wanted to show my favorite massive, walking, indestructible death machines! You guessed it right I mean Titans! I am a bit of a Titan nut and own four Forgeworld Titans, but sadly only two are finished. Below is my loyal Titan Legion “Legio Astraman” in their bright green and gold livery. The Warhound was the first titan I ever built and painted so it is not the quality of the work I produce now. However, I still wanted to show it to you all. The Reaver is my pride and joy! It also took up three months of my life painting it! So without further ado here are my Titans.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Email in: 1k Blood Angels List
Cool, this is an email I got, asking for help on a Blood Angels list. Email first, then what I have to say about it afterward.
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Blood Angel List- Zero Mech
Howdy, everyone! Today I wanted to give you a list I've been thinking about playing. It's a little different than my all assault marine list, in that it sacrifices a few wounds and combat ability in order to threaten tanks more. Here's the list:
Friday, January 7, 2011
Lionstar, suck or not?

An Article by beast_a_la_mode
Let me preface this article by saying that I have only played 4 games of fantasy in the new edition and they were all with my vampire counts spamming lore of beasts so I literally have no idea what is good outside of simple theory hammer. I had pretty much washed my hand of fantasy but a local guy gave me a deal that I simply couldn't refuse on a high elf army so it looks like I'm back.
Like I said I'm kinda at a loss for what actually works in fantasy but I think this list might be fun and could possibly be competitive.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Weekly Battle Report #8: Salamanders vs. New Dark Eldar Raider Spam
Hey there folks! How's it going? Sorry for taking so long to post my next 'weekly' battle report, it's been a crazy couple weeks of break (mostly from painting and spending time with my wifey's family), but I'm hoping to neglect this blog no longer, though it might not get the attention it deserves until break is really truly over (in another 1.5 weeks, lol)
So, today's battle report pits me against Dark Eldar once again. It's a rematch against the same guy from the last battle report. He apparently drew the same conclusion as I did, that wyches and grotesques suck, and changed his list accordingly. Real quick, here's the link to all my other battle reports. Here's his list that he used:
So, today's battle report pits me against Dark Eldar once again. It's a rematch against the same guy from the last battle report. He apparently drew the same conclusion as I did, that wyches and grotesques suck, and changed his list accordingly. Real quick, here's the link to all my other battle reports. Here's his list that he used:
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Speed Painting
Do you love modeling? Do you love taking hours upon hours to craft each model into a perfect work of art? if so stop reading right now. This article is for those that recognize painting as a necessary evil in order to play these wonderful games.
I paint with two basic methods, army painter dipping and Power Washing with citadel washes.

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