First, here's a link to a page you can find my Wolfstar list, in all it's glory. It's done me well, but I think I need to get away from it. I'm simply too vulnerable to losing the Star, and therefore losing the game. Granted, it's a tough list to deal with, but if I play against a good list or general, I'm basically at the mercy of my opponent.
And so, I want to make my new list to be more reactive, and have more threats from more locations. If something dies, I want lots of other units to be able to take their place. It's basic MSU strategy of course, but I think it works pretty well for Wolves. It's not Razorspam- not sure what the list should be called, honestly. Alright, no more quibbling, here's the list:
Xaereth's MSU-Star (1850 Wolves) (actually 1838)
Rune Priest w/ Living Lightning, JotWW, Chooser of the Slain
Rune Priest w/ Living Lightning, Murderous Hurricane, Chooser of the Slain
Rune Priest w/ Living Lightning, Tempest's Wrath, Chooser of the Slain
5x Wolf Scouts w/ Melta Gun
5x Wolf Scouts w/ Melta Gun
6x Wolfguard w/ 6x Combi-Meltas, 5x Power Fists
8x Grey Hunters w/ Melta Gun, Wolf Standard, Rhino
8x Grey Hunters w/ Melta Gun, Wolf Standard, Rhino
8x Grey Hunters w/ Melta Gun, Wolf Standard, Rhino
5x Grey Hunters w/ Melta Gun, Razorback w/ Las/Plas
6x Longfangs w/ 5x Missile Launchers, Razorback w/ Las/Plas
5x Longfangs w/ 4x Missile Launchers
5x Longfangs w/ 4x Missile Launchers
Rune Priests go in the 'big' Grey Hunter squads, as do a Wolfguard w/ Combi-melta and Fist. The one wolfguard without the fist goes with the 5 Grey Hunters in their Razorback, presumably to sit on objectives, and snipe people with a couple meltaguns if they come too close.
In Dawn of War missions, at least one Long Fang squad will get where they want, with their own Razorback. I get lots and lots of shots out of those missile launchers- nothing different from every other wolf list out there really. I feel bad taking them- but they're too good not to take, to be honest.
One thing people don't really notice that I think will be huge for me- my Rune Priests. When they aren't using their other individual powers (the 3 'other' best powers out there), they're laying down 3d6 S7 shots on the move, that have unlimited range, and shoot at BS5 (because of the Choosers). As a side result, they also disallow infiltrators from alpha-striking my forces (looking at you, Shrike).
The two razors are a little weird in the list, since there aren't enough to really cause huge S9 problems for armies, and are somewhat expensive. I'm honestly more excited about the plasma guns on them to help with deathstars like my own Wolfstar, and the Las Cannons will add something to my 10 (on average) S7 shots, and 13 S8 shots every turn.
Otherwise, lots of melta to take out vehicles, combined with 3 squads that can actually accomplish something in combat. Plus I get something I've always (irrationally) wanted- a sergeant with a power weapon in every squad (in the form of Rune Priests).
So my question is this: what should I change, if anything? Here's the options I see:
- Take out a Razorback to get a Fist (on the Wolf Guard that doesn't have one) and two Longfangs w/ Missile Launchers
- Take out Two Razorbacks to get a Rhino for the small wolf squad, and another Rune Priest (w/ Jaws and Murderous Hurricane) and a Wolf Standard for the small squad (or fist for the wolf guard, if I play with points a little more)
- Guess those are the options I see