My internet name is BigSanta, and soon I will be contributing to this blogosphere. I have known Xaereth for
many years now and fondly remember of the days when I was teaching him tricks of the 40k world. I used to think, “Oh this Xaereth character is a pretty good gamer but he’s got lots to learn.” Now I feel as a Sith lord whose apprentice has always exceeded him in every way and was really scheming my demise from the beginning. I am an avid gamer in all respects: miniatures, video, Sudoku, and
otherwise. I would call myself an average gamer. I paint well, but don’t go out of my way to convert the craziest coolest models (I have friends for that) or spend weeks on a single mini. I would call myself the gamer that is probably the largest demographic but really ignored.
What to expect from me in my posts:
Painting techniques, ideas and hobby help
General tactics on armies I love in 40K and Xaereth has forgotten, namely Tyranids. They are my bread and butter and I have vowed recently to make them and my army a feared entity in the 40k gaming scene (likelihood irrelevant).
War Machine/ Hordes stuff: just started The Blight Water folks and you’ll get see them evolve and hopefully get an idea of what to expect from them.
Flames of War stuff: I know Delusions isn’t a bastion for FoW but I’ll be adding a little spice there.
Battle Reports: 40k, WM and FoW
Maybe fantasy stuff. I’ll see if I get back into the swing of things.
And from time to time general rants and ideas about the hobby industry. Hey we all need some way to vent steam.
I must have something to contribute or Xaereth would have not invited me, lol.
See you in the internet!
Editor's note:
Are Tyranids an army now? Since when? Can't forget what doesn't exist :-p