Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Great Article on BoLS

I don't typically read many articles on BoLS.  Mostly the stuff I read is hobby news-related stuff, and if I'm bored, I'll read a few random articles here or there.  Simply too many writers there for me to keep track of and know who writes well and who writes... um, unwell.  lol.  (plus, lots of times the articles are so short, just when I find myself getting interested, they simply end.)  Anyways,  I check there for rumors for the 'next codex', every 3 or 4 days, and today I was rewarded by finding a pretty good article.  It's not even about Grey Knights, lol

So, here's the url for it.

It really echoes how I feel about the current Battle Point tournament scene.  I don't have a whole lot to say, that the article doesn't say.  But I will say a few things.

As a guy who generally tries to win whatever event he's in, I've clubbed more than my share of seals.  My mentality has always been, why go to a tournament if you don't try to win?  I can play casual 'fun' games elsewhere- tournaments are about competition.

So, I go to tournaments, and try to win. How great would it be though, if I didn't have to just pound some guy into the ground in order to turn my 'major win' into a 'massacre'?  I hate that in big tournaments you can show absolutely no mercy, even after you've obviously won.  It's absolutely no fun, for either player.  I already beat you but hey sorry... the tournament format says I gotta hunt down your last combat squads cuz otherwise I won't get full points.  And if I don't get full points, I can't win the tournament.  And I didn't pay all this money to play and not have a chance to win.

I could go on, but that's about it.  People will have more fun with this format, and I'm stoked to play tournaments where I can actually (potentially) win all my games by a narrow margin and still be in the running to win it all.

What do you think?