Don't worry - this is an old picture of my army, not the one I brought! |
Hey, what's up folks! This past weekend I went to a local RTT, and was at first quite disinterested in the notion of bringing my out-of-date Grey Knights + Tau Allies to another tournament. Still, it was the only army I had painted, and I wanted to get out of the house to play some games. So, I printed out my list with 3x Dreadknights and some Broadsides, got everything all packed up the night before, and went to bed early.
However, in the morning, a magical thought occurred to me: I could play Dark Eldar. I hadn't played Dark Eldar yet this edition, and have wanted to for a while, though they have some serious problems when trying to deal with Flyers and Wave Serpents. Still, the idea excited me enough that I wrote a list out with Army Builder, and decided that if I included a Farseer to the list, I could at least Guide and Prescience two Ravagers to shoot at Flyers/Serpents.
With this shaky conviction, I set about the arduous task of digging out models who hadn't seen the light of day for months - possibly even years. Still, I must say, they've been my favorite army for forever - love the play style, aesthetics, and (dare I say?) even the fluff!
I was suddenly extremely excited to head down to the tournament!
Here's my list: