Monday, February 6, 2017

Warmachine Battle Report #51: Grayle Wolfsworn Theme Force vs. Trollbloods Horgle2, 75 Points

Image result for grail
Grayle Grail
Hello all! I've recently discovered that my schedule will not allow me to attend any tournaments this month (February), and as such, I get a full month of playing with my new models and learning how they work!
I'm VERY excited about the new Wolfsworn theme force. I had been running a Grayle list for my more casual games, on and off. I've said things like, "if we get a theme force, this list will be legitimately competitive in tournaments." Whereas that's as yet largely untested, I've had some really fun games with the list so far.

This report will have a mini-report (no pictures, just a brief recap) of a game vs. Trolls, directly before the "feature" report, where I have pictures and everything!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Warmachine Battle Report 50: Baldur1 (and Tanith) at Store Wars Team Tournament, 75 points

Image result for store wars
Howdy everyone! I've got some battle reports here for you, in the context of an annual team tournament we have in Denver every year. It's called "Store Wars", and each game shop in our area puts together a 5-player team to compete with the others. I played in this tournament as my last act in MK2 (albeit about 1.5 years before the actual end of MK2), and had the worst tournament result of my life (I went 0-3). No matter that there were a some really crazy (unlucky) things that day... I still did a very poor job overall. No reports for those games, since I was on my way out of the hobby at the time, but suffice it to say that as a competitive player, it's one of my more embarrassing moments.

Ironically, my team still won the event, and I got a trophy that I didn't really earn. This time, I hoped that I could redeem myself in my own eyes, and actually be a help to my team.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

2017 Tournament Results

Image result for tournament resultsThis post will be more for my own records than anything. One of the perks to writing a battle report blog is that I get a tangible reminder of events in the past. I tend to be very nostalgic, and being able to relive old games and events is a really fun thing for me. I want to have this post for my own sake later in life, where I can see all the tournaments I played in one year and see how things went.

I don't expect that anyone else really cares about my past games/tournament record. It's not for self-aggrandizement. Whereas I certainly have an ego (as does everyone, to some degree), I don't really care to beat other people over the head with my accomplishments. I have other ways to stroke my ego if I want to do that. Still, if this sort of thing isn't something you're interested in reading, don't do it. Simple as that. :)

Warmachine Battle Report 49: Baldur1 and Krueger2 at a Steamroller, 75 points

Image result for gryphons games and comics

Hello all,
Another month, another tournament for me. I get to go to about 1 or 2 each month, depending on what the wifey lets me do.

This was another event at my old stomping grounds, Gryphon Games and Comics in Fort Collins, CO. I've been doing pretty well at each event I've been to since I've gotten back into Warmachine, but this event was going to be a little rougher than usual: I was kind of forced to bring Krueger2 instead of Tanith (because Tanith and the birds are all out right now getting painted).

Here's my list: (after the jump)