Boulder1 and Boulder2 |
Hi all,
FIRST OFF, there's a vote for you at the end of Game 2's report. Either post on this blog, the PP forums, or my Twitter account.
I've skipped reporting a few of my games lately, mainly because I had tournament reports to write and I wanted to make sure I wasn't burning myself out. However, no tournament last weekend meant that I could write these reports without hating life.
And then it's back to 2 or 3 tournaments in a row. And then a period of rest, because the internets can't handle that many reports, lol.
As I've stated in the past, I'm getting tired of using Wurmwood. He's just kind of ... formulaic. And truth be told, whereas I
do enjoy winning, I also enjoy exploring corners of whatever faction I play that aren't currently being explored. At least, publicly explored, heh.
I'm trying to find a pairing for the really shooty lists out there, Sloan being one of the top on my list. The unreasonably optimistic part of my wants to believe that Grayle with all his shooting negation and stealth could be an answer. The reasonable side of me thinks