One of the lists I faced was RoW... |
Time for even more battle reports! I can't get enough of them, apparently! Last Saturday I got in 6 games. I took pictures for them all, and intend to write up reports for all of them. Let's get some back story first though. Maybe it's not actually back story exactly, but perhaps some context?
I have several tournaments coming up in the next couple weeks. This coming weekend is Tacticon, where I will play two different tournaments: Hardcore and a Divide and Conquer Steamroller. The Hardcore event has timed turns going 7 minutes for each turn, 50 points. Divide and Conquer I intend to play Morv2 and Krueger2 as my list pairings.
THEN, on September 13, I have the Intermountain Cup (IMC). It's a 6-game masters (meaning I need to use 3 lists) event ALL IN THE SAME DAY. I intend to play Morv2, K2, and Cassius as my list pairing.
This Saturday was intended to help me to practice it all. I wanted 5 or 6 games, wanted a couple of them to be Hardcore, and I wanted to use all 3 of my casters. So, while the games and missions may seem a little strange, I believe that Saturday's practice did an awesome job of giving me some practice for the upcoming events.
Let's jump in.