Hey, what's up folks! I've been painting and playing a ton of 40k lately in an attempt to get ready for the LVO. I've been playing my BeastStar, which has been really fun! It has been an exercise in frustration to try to make my Dark Eldar work, as I continue to remove Dark Eldar units from the list in favor of Eldar. At this point, the list is nearly entirely Eldar, though the Beast element is really the essence of the list.
I finally got a game in against a good Eldar list - I've played one other before this against a good opponent, though the list was a little on the "meh" side - even my opponent didn't really like it. This time, he decided to take a better list with lots of the units I may end up seeing at LVO. The best part: he's a top-tier player who recently moved here, and is one of the few (3) individuals out there who has a winning record (with two or more games played total) against me.
Here's a fun fact I learned during this game: Dire Avengers have counter attack, randomly.