Saturday, November 27, 2010

Balanced Dark Elf Listhammer

In the interest of doing something different before I start some sort of series of posts again, I figured I'd post my current Dark Elf army.  For those of you who saw the title of this post and thought it was something to do with Dark Eldar, I'm sorry- 40k has Eldar, Fantasy has Elves.  This is about the latter.

So... here's the list (at 2250):

Supreme Sorceress w/ Lvl. 4, Lifetaker, Pendant, Sacrificial Dagger, 6++ ward vs. Warmachines for unit

Death Hag w/ Cauldron of Blood, BSB

12x Repeater Crossbowmen w/ Banner, Musician
10x Repeater Crossbowmen w/ Banner, Musician
10x Repeater Crossbowmen w/ Banner, Musician

5x Dark Riders, Repeater Crossbows, Musician
5x Dark Riders, Repeater Crossbows, Musician
5x Dark Riders, Repeater Crossbows, Musician

35x Warriors w/ Shields, Banner, Musician, Banner of Eternal Flame

20 x Black Guard w/ Banner, Musician, Banner of Murder (gives them AP)

War Hydra
War Hydra

It's balanced because it can do well in all 3 'phases' of the turn (magic, shooting, and close combat).  Here's some things going for it:

  • Sorceress goes with Warriors, presumably to get 4 extra Power Dice every turn from killing them off.
  • It's fun to note however, that since she (the Sorceress) also has Lifetaker (a S4 bow that always hits on a 2+ and shoots 3 shots), I can usually negate Regen on monsters.  This helps, since my multitude of shots that can come afterward will do a pretty big number on whatever I'm shooting at, in theory :-p
  • Lore of Death is pretty good, especially when you have lots of power dice to throw at it like Dark Elves can.  Assassinating opponent's casters and characters is a huge thing, I've noticed.
  • Hydras + Black Guard are about my only 'good' close combat ability.  However, the Warriors do fine against normal rank and file guys, and really, Hydras win lots of matchups that they shouldn't.
  • Black Guard are a solid block of infantry, that while being quite expensive compared to my other units (except the Warriors), they can put out 28 S4 (always re-rollable) hits at WS5, I6, and give a -2 modifier to armor.  Against a standard T4 opponent, they'll end up causing like 12 wounds at -2 armor save.  Against T3, they'll do even more (like, 16 wounds).  Pretty sick, if you ask me.  This is all under the assumption they're 7 wide and the Cauldron is giving them +1A. 
  • The alternate version of this list includes 3x 5 units of Shades w/ extra Hand weapons in the place of two of the Dark Riders.  More shooting, and the ability to get close to warmachines before the game even starts.
I think that's about it.  Thoughts?  Concerns?  Questions? 

I plan on playing this army (if not also this list) in February at Genghis Con.  Last year (for 7th edition) I got 2nd overall at that one- hopefully I can do half as well as I did during that game.

As an aside, the pictures are all of my favorite Dark Elf- Drizzt from R.A. Salvatore's Dark Elf Saga.  Shallow entertainment fantasy fiction at its best.  Highly recommended for those of you who don't want an emotionally challenging, involved book (though the series is pretty long at this point).  The light reading is still somewhat addicting, however.