Saturday, September 28, 2013

Feast of Blades here I come!

Howdy folks! Once again, I have had the fortune to travel to the Feast of Blades to compete in one of the major events in these United States. I'll be missing a class, which will force me to write a 10-page paper I would otherwise have avoided, but I see the Feast as worth it.

Why is it worth going, you ask? Well for me, I think I'll always try to go, barring real life complications. I'll discuss that and more in a minute, after the break!

I also feel like this is the proper time to discuss my overall results for GTs in the past year, as this marks a year from my first 6th edition event.

Perhaps I'll even let you know what list I've submitted!

Why I always want to go to the Feast:

1) Feast is a fun event - my friend Chandler runs it, and does a pretty good job of it, really. It has lots of events, and even separates the players with a more competitive mindset from those players with a more "I just want to play a bunch of fun games against players I never play against, all of whom have a fully painted army" mindset.

This year the Invitational is W/L/D on Day 1 and W/L on Day 2 - seems pretty compelling to me!

2) I'm qualified. I personally will be attending the Invitational, something that each player actually needs to qualify for. This year I did not qualify at a local tournament, though I really didn't need to. To explain, I'll explain my past times playing at the Feast:

2010 was the first year that the Feast happened. I ended up playing it with my Wolfstar and winning the whole thing, including getting my name written on the top of the banner, first Feast Champion! Awesome!

2011 was the second year, and I lost a game with my Dark Eldar and was sent to a lower bracket than the top one. I ended up making up for that by winning my own Bracket on Day 2, and taking home a trophy that was bigger than the one I won the year before. haha!

2012 was last year, and my first tournament at all in 6th edition. I'd played less than 10 games of the new edition at that point, and had not really paid much attention to 40k in general. I ended up winning most of my games, and somehow getting to the Top Bracket before losing to people who probably deserved to be there.

So, getting to the Invitational, I'm actually qualified twice for this year - old defending champions are perma-qualified to get in, and last year being in the Top Bracket (top 8!) got me qualified as well.

3) I live about an hour from where the tournament is going to happen. This cuts out most of my travel expenses. How can I not go to a major GT in my backyard when I travel to other big events all over the country?

A review of my GT results in the past year:

As a competitive player, it's often good to look at your results and if you're actually improving or getting behind. Because I don't play a lot of practice games due to my own busy schedule, GTs are also practice for me. After a year of playing in 6th edition, do I even belong in the Feast's Invitational?

2012 Feast of Blades Results:

I got like 5th overall last time I think, and got into the Top Bracket. Very good result, as I hadn't played much at all.

2013 Adepticon Results:

In a field of nearly 256 players, I ended up in the top 16, going undefeated on Day 1 and getting into the Top Bracket. I lost a couple games on Day 2, but really not bad for someone who had hardly played since the Feast five months before.

2013 Bugeater GT Results:

This was perhaps my poorest showing, only going 4-2 in a 64-player field. I did however win my first 3 games, getting me into the Top 8 before I finally lost to the eventual tournament champion.

2013 Nova Invitational Results:

5 games played against the top players in the game (even some guys from Europe!), and I ended up with a 4-1 record, getting (again) into the Top 8 before losing a very close to the (again) eventual winner of the event. Great result for me!

2013 Nova Open Results:

I played 8 games against a very tough field, and ended up with a 6-2 record, again making the Top Bracket before losing. I think I ended up with 8th overall?


Feast of Blades: Top Bracket, 5th overall
Adepticon: Top Bracket
Bugeater GT: Top 8
Nova Invitational: Top 8, 4th overall
Nova Open: Top Bracket, 8th overall


Looks like I'm getting better. My Open/Invitational results were pretty good against a really skilled group of guys. 6th edition has been good for me thus far, and I will hopefully have another good showing at the Feast! Getting into the Top Bracket at every major tournament I played in is awesome, though without an actual tournament win, I'm a bit disheartened.

My Feast List:

If you want to know the essence of what I'm taking, feel free to go read my massive Nova Open/Invitational report in an earlier post on this Blog. I'll be taking Grey Knights Primary + Tau Allies, though I'll be making a couple very small adjustments. Namely, we will discover the power/weakness of the 75-point SHUNT upgrade to Dreadknights. Should be an adventure!

If you're going to the Feast, come say hi!, I'll be wearing my "Let the Wookie Win" on Day 1 at least, and if I'm in the Top Bracket again, I'll re-wear it (gross!) on Day 2.