Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Storm Raven Experiment at Bugeater GT Edit: Pictures up!

Well folks, it's about time for me to head on down to the 3rd Annual Bugeater GT in Omaha, Nebraska. I'll be taking my Grey Knights, though without allies of any kind. Despite the rumors I spread about taking IG as allies (I still think that my list is pretty good), I'll instead be taking something that makes my current list a little um, different, looking.

To be clear, I had already re-painted a few IG squads in anticipation of Bugeater - I wasn't lying about taking them.

Read on for info on the list I'll be taking, general Storm Raven thoughts, and an intriguing email that made me change my mind...

Monday, May 27, 2013

Dark Eldar in 6th: Not What "General Knowledge" Suggests

My Dark Eldar, who are sitting on a shelf right now.

Today let's talk about something everyone seems to 'know' but has no real solution to: namely, that Dark Eldar suck in 6th, and don't belong in a competitive setting as anything other than a "spoiler army."

I'm actually of the opinion that Dark Eldar have been *buffed* in many ways this edition, with the exception of one fatal weakness: Fliers. With the advent of the new Eldar book coming out in the next couple days, we might just see a return to power for the DEldar. :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Adepticon 2013 Fantasy Championships GT Report (with pictures!)

Howdy, folks! Today we travel to a strange alternate universe, where models come on square bases, and there is an entire phase specifically devoted to Psyker powers. This land, called Warhammer Fantasy, is actually quite fun to mess around with, and I've had a Dark Elf army for quite some time now, though I've admittedly only really dabbled in the game, as my first love is 40k.

The short version of the long story for me at Adepticon is that I had wanted to play in the 40k Team Tournament, but was unable to for various reasons (mostly, tickets sold out ridiculously fast), and instead was faced with the option of either playing nothing on Saturday/Sunday, or dragging my Fantasy army over to Chicago.

While this might seem like a no-brainer to most of you, I assure you, for me it was a dilemma as I hadn't played Fantasy for over a year and a half.

With that, let's jump on over to my list and the grizzly details and my inevitable 5 rounds of failure (or... lackthereof?)

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Xaereth 2009 Tournament Results

Today I'm continuing with my whole "in the past" Tournament Results series, which takes up my first 'full' year of gaming - 2009.

While this might seem like a sort of 'bragging' post to some, I guess I see it as a guide for me in the future, to remember a few of the great games and tournaments I've been to. Nothing worse than forgetting good experiences, and this is my attempt to stave it off.

Don't read it unless you don't want to, though I do welcome comments, nostalgia included :)

For those interested, there's a TL;DR at the bottom, like in my 2008 post.

This year's story begins directly after winning the 'Ard Boyz Semi Finals in 2008, and selling enough of my winnings to begin my Green Chaos army, Berserkers included...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Xaereth 2008 Tournament Results

Howdy Folks. I'm actually doing this so as to keep my own records straight. I've been in this hobby "hardcore" for about 5 years now, and want to make sure I don't lose or forget my own stuff.

So, for those who actually care or want to remember the 'old days', you can see the various tournament results for the year I'm posting, along with any battle report links to them.

**please note**

I'm not trying to brag or anything, just want an easy resource for myself in later years when it's even more jumbled in my brain.

So, let's get it started for 2008. There's a TL;DR at the bottom if interested.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Board Control: Finding Value in Doing Nothing (pictures included!)

Howdy folks, Xaereth (surprisingly) here again with a few thoughts on playing the game better in this edition. Though I won't pretend to be the master (or even a master) at 6th edition, there are a few observations I've had that I wanted to pass on. Let me know if it makes sense or not :)

Now, we all hear people saying things like: "Man, such and such unit is so good! It almost always kills its points every time I play!"

While there is certainly value in pillaging an opponent's models in-game, a veteran player will tell you that there's much more to the game than simply being an efficient killer.

The truth of the matter is simple: whoever best meets the criteria stated for 'winning' in a given game actually wins the game. There's no caveat that says "whoever controls the most objectives in the game wins, unless you really skullf*** your opponent's forces while they just whimpered and took it, in which case, objectives don't actually matter and you straight-up win."

Seriously, just ask any 5th edition Eldar player.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Adepticon 2013 40k Championships Battle Reports, with pictures!

"What's this?" you ask. "Two posts in the same month?"

And to that, I respond... yes. Just barely. Don't get used to it.

(note: I started writing this shortly after Adepticon, but I'm busy enough that I only got about one report done each day. Hope it was worth the wait - took me a lot of hours!)

I recently got home from Adepticon, having played both the 40k and Fantasy Championships with very little experience in either of the respective games' editions. There was quite a bit learned, and I ended up doing pretty decent in both, though I'll make you either wait to the end or just impatiently scroll downward to find my results. 

To clarify, this post will only cover the 40k battle reports. I will hopefully get around to the fantasy ones as well, though I took far fewer pictures on those, as my battery went dead at the end of my 40k championships.

So! Let's begin with what I brought: